The longer I'm a photographer, the less I like editing in Photoshop. I realize that post-production work is necessary and often beneficial, but I am leaning away from the overtly edited look. More and more my personal aesthetic is curving towards the natural. Pouring over images by Jose Villa has influenced me for sure. That's not to say that I don't bring my photographs into Photoshop for a few color pops or curve changes. But, I'm growing to prefer less of those changes and am trying to get the shot right in-camera. It's much easier to do this with good light, which we had this afternoon. Here are a few untouched photographs I took earlier today. I brought a few of them into Photoshop and realized that no action or curve manipulations would make them more pleasing to my eye. And, as you can see, Spring is arriving in Western PA. Have a wonderful, peace-filled Easter!