Hello and welcome! I'm Emily Jefferis, a wedding and lifestyle portrait photographer located in Grove City, PA. Investment information, details, and my portfolios are available at www.willajphotography.com. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me through emily@willajphotography.com. Thanks for looking!

Aug 15, 2014

Sara & Curt | University of Pittsburgh Engagement Photography

I am always excited when clients choose a meaningful and intentional place for their photographs, especially when that location happens to be a place I enjoy shooting. Sara and Curt met years ago while they were students at the University of Pittsburgh and wanted to have their engagement portraits made on the campus where their relationship began and first flourished. Fortuitously, the University of Pittsburgh is one of my absolute favorite places to shoot in the city; its beautiful, gothic architecture, colorful gardens, and manicured stone pathways make for a lovely place to create photographs. I met Sara and Curt there on a perfect summer evening last week and enjoyed capturing their laughter, joy, and quiet understanding of one another. Thank you, Sara and Curt, for the chance to document this season in your life together. And thank you for being so gracious and laughing along while I called one of you the wrong name the entire session. I promise I'll get that right at the wedding! Much love and appreciate to you both!