Hello and welcome! I'm Emily Jefferis, a wedding and lifestyle portrait photographer located in Grove City, PA. Investment information, details, and my portfolios are available at www.willajphotography.com. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me through emily@willajphotography.com. Thanks for looking!

Sep 14, 2011

My Little Man {Grove City, PA Baby Photography}

I cannot believe that my handsome little boy is over three months old.  And at the same time, I can hardly remember life without him.  I love, love, love cuddling this guy and holding him close. He smiles more than any baby I've ever met and we are loving watching his personality unfold. I don't photograph him nearly enough, but here are a few recent images. He enjoys staring up at the trees while laying on my quilt (you know the one--it shows up at almost every family session). I look forward to the day he'll look to the Maker of those beautiful trees!